Pondering Justice, Reincarnation, and Wyrd
My own theological explorations can be quite focused. Specifically, I tend to focus on theological issues that are pragmatic and reflect on the here and now. Of utmost importance to me now is what it means to follow my gods today, to be a conduit for their blessings in the world around me, to build the proper relationships with others in my family, and similar such concepts.This focus on the hear and now means that I haven't spent a lot of time thinking about what happens when someone crosses the threshold of death and walks out of this life. I've thought about it enough to know that I believe in virtually endless reincarnations that serve as a way to celebrate life and contribute to the unfolding of creation multiple times. I've thought about it long enough to ponder the nature of the soul and to wonder if a soul is an irreducible, cohesive unit or more of an ethereal essence. But that's about as far as my thoughts on these matters have gone so far.As a result, I was caught somewhat unawares when Matt Stone asked me about my beliefs on these topics over on his blog. He particularly focused on how I understood justice as it related to the next life:I would ask though, what do you do with all the injustice in the world? What do you do with the fact that many people do not find justice in this life? What's your response when a child abuser dies without repentance for his wrongs or restoration with those who he has wronged? Is there any consequence for our actions?