Walking to Cure Diabetes
Next month, I will be participating in the annual Walk to Cure Diabetes. This is a fund-raising event held by various chapters of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. It's a great way to raise money, and I'm excited to do my part this year.The Rochester chapter of JDRF has set a regional goal of $747,000 this year, and I currently have my personal goal set at $100. Of course, since I'm already more than halfway there, I may have to increase my personal goal.Diabetes has touched my life and my family in many different ways, and I would love nothing more than to see researchers find a cure for it. The fact that scientists are making some rather hopeful predictions -- that we may see a cure in our lifetimes even -- is exciting, and I look forward to walking and raising money to fund the research during this exciting time. If any of my readers are able to spare even a few dollars, a donation would be greatly appreciated. Donations can be made on my fund-raising page, and I have added a linked image to the sidebar of my blog.Related articles by ZemantaResearchers use novel nanoparticle vaccine to cure type 1 diabetes in mice ( launches Clinical Trial Network Centre at University of Waterloo (