Bonus Post: Did you know I have a newsletter and a Facebook page?

Hey all! I just wanted to send out a quick note that I have a newsletter. i don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned that on the blog. It’s been defunct for about two years, but I’m reviving it. In fact, a new issue went out to subscribers this morning!

Also, I thought it might be worth knowing that I have a Facebook page. Links to every blog post get posted there and I’ve started adding a comment with a few thoughts about the post and creating it.

At any rate, it’s a couple more resources for those of you who want to keep up to date on what your friendly1 neighborhood2 wyrd-worker is up to!

Post History: Yeah, there’s no real editing history for this post. I just wrote this and hit “publish” when I was done.


  1. Or at least friendly-ish! ↩︎
  2. Online neighborhoods count! ↩︎

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