Tag Archives: blogging challenge

#changingpathschallenge2024: My values

Today’s blogging challenge prompt is “my values.” As I considered what to say about my values, I decided to look up a definition. The University Texas of Austin’s website Ethics Unwrapped defines values as “beliefs that motivate people to act one way or another.” This made me immediately think of a Threads post from the start of May in which I offered my top three beliefs:

  • Everything and everyone is sacred.
  • We are in dialogue with the Divine.
  • Creation is an ongoing process and we are participants in it.

I’d say that these three beliefs form the foundation of my morals and every decision I make. It is that dialogue and my role as a co-creator that urges to realize that the choices I make have consequences, while my belief that everything is sacred and my desire to treat all everyone and everything with the dignity that such a sacred nature requires informs my choices.

Of course, this trio of beliefs alone are not sufficient for making day-to-day choices. For that, I rely on virtues, those qualities that I have come to deem worthy of pursuing and upholding. I can’t say as I have a definitive or formal list of all the virtues I embrace and seek to uphold, but I’ve been heavily influenced by the Wiccan virtues, the Nine Noble Virtues from Asatru, and Ar nDraiocht Fein’s own list of virtues from their dedicant program.

The thing about a virtue-based morality is that it’s not black and white, nor are there any easy answers in such a system. For each situation, I have to consider the virtues I hold dear and determine which ones have something to say about that particular situation. I then must consider whether any of those virtues come into conflict in the context of that particular situation. If so, I have to decide how to best resolve that conflict. This is why i appreciate being in dialogue with my deities. Their wisdom in navigating such a complicated world is greatly appreciated. But in the end, it is up to me to decide what to do. After all, I am the one who has to take responsibility for my choice and the consequences that result from it.

(This post is part of #changingpathschallenge2024. For more information on the challenge, check out Yvonne Aburrow’s post to learn more about the challenge.)

Bonus Post: I’m joining a blogging challenge!

Hello and happy Tuesday, dear readers. I thought I’d drop a bonus post today because I have exciting news: I’m joining a blogging challenge for the month of June! Specifically, Yvonne Aburrow has announced they’re running a Changing Paths blogging/photo challenge during the whole month of June. I’ll include the image of the prompts at the end of this post.

For those curious, I will continue with my trek through Yvonne’s book, Changing Paths, on Fridays. That means that during the month of June, I will be putting out two posts every Friday. I haven’t decided whether I’ll double up on posts for Mondays or just let the blog challenge post alone suffice on Mondays.

It’ll be interesting to see how well I do at blogging every day for the month of June. That’s a lot of Bonus posts! Rather than starting the post titles with “Bonus Post” however. Instead, I will use the hashtag for the challenge: #changingpathschallenge2024.

I hope you all enjoy my posts. I’d also welcome and encourage you to participate in the challenge yourselves.