Medical stuff is such a pain

Hello dear, readers! I’m afraid I didn’t get a chance to write a post for today. Between dealing with health insurance nonsense and uncovering a bit of a concern with my health, I’ve been too focused on on other things.

Before anyone (else) gets too panicked, rest assured that I’m in no immediate danger. However, my primary care doctor and I noticed something that is somewhat concerning. And while it wasn’t concerning enough to put me in the emergency room, she is trying to get me fast-tracked to an appointment in the cardiology department rather than having me get scheduled a month or two out (or however far out they’re booked). I’m reminded of the local commercials they played on the radio when urgent care centers first became a thing. “For those urgencies that aren’t quite emergencies.” That seems to be where I am right now.

Beyond waiting for a couple calls today, I’m just trying to do my job and spend this weekend relaxing. I hope to get back to posting on Monday, since I want to talk a bit about An Apostate’s Guide to Witchcraft by Moss Matthey, which I just finished reading this morning. Then next Friday, I’ll continue my reflections on Spinning Wyrd by Ryan Smith.

In the meantime, I propose an open thread today. Given all the health-related stuff I’m dealing with, I’d love to hear your own healthcare experiences. Feel free to share the good, the bad, or even both. Or talk about something else that interests you. Comments are open.

Post History: This post was written on September 27, 2024 and published immediately.

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