This afternoon, I received an email from the COAP mailing list. Apparently, the folks who run the ImageOut Film Festival have arranged for comedian Vickie Shaw to perform here in Rochester on April 20th. I’ve never heard of her before, but figured that I like to laugh, and a night out is always a good idea. So I ordered a couple of tickets.
You heard that right, I ordered two tickets. I decided that since I’m doing something as radical as actually developing a social life for myself, I might as well go all the way and even plan to invite someone to go with me. With any luck, one of my friends will be equally interested in an opportunity to get out and do something entertaining for an evening.
I have to admit, this is somewhat ambitious for me, and it has me feeling a bit weird. Normally, I’d wait until the last minute, hope I could still get a ticket, only get one, and go alone. But I realize that there’s an inherent problem with that modus operandi. The whole point of going to something like this is to have a good time. The way I do these things, I go with the anticipation that I won’t have a good time. What should be fun becomes a matter of obligation, and I end up only going through the motions. So I’m hoping that by getting the tickets somewhat in advance and anticipating finding someone to go with, I can set new expectations for myself. And hopefully, these new expectations will create a better quality of experience. Here’s to hoping.