The picture above is of Grey, Kisa, and Paw, two of the barn cats and my parents’ indoor cat. The small group decided to curl up on the love seat together tonight, and Dad shot this perfect picture of them. I think it perfectly describes the quiet, intimate evening we’ve all had here in the Harris household this Christmas evening. Well, everyone except for Precious, who is stressed over the number of kittens currently occupying the house.
The Yule ritual went well Saturday night. A small group of us gathered at around eight, had a light meal, and then retired to the living room for a time of honoring the gods and working magic. Everyone seemed rather satisfied with the ritual I planned. (Though a certain goddess might take some small issue with my claim to have planned it.) After all was said and done, I think the party broke up around evelen that night.
I spent the night with friends, then headed on down to Mom and Dad’s Sunday. This morning, Dad and I ran out to finish our Christmas shopping together, then came home to relax. Tomorrow, we’ll open gifts together and have lunch before I head back home in time to get a good night’s sleep before work on Wednesday.
Overall, it’s been a good holiday season. I hope my readers have also found equal times of peace and the company of loved ones at this time of year.