#changingpathschallenge2024: Hope

Hope is that thing that gets me out of bed. It is the recognition of the potential contained within each new day and what I envision might become reality from that potential. Those visions can be well formed or they might still be vague concepts that I am developing.

My hope is bolstered by my community, made up of individuals who have hopes and dreams of their own. We share our hopes and dreams and work together on those that we hold in common. Often, we help one another with the hopes and dreams that we do not hold in common because (1) it delights us to do so and (2) we know those we help will likewise help us achieve our own personal goals and dreamsl. This web of mutual support and encouragement is another source of hope. It reminds me that I do not have to do this alone.

My deities are a part of that community, and their wisdom and faith in me also bolster’s my hope. it’s strange to consider that my deities believe in me as much as I believe in them. “You’re doing great! You got this!” they seem to say, and I take another cleansing breath as I continue my labor to bring my hopes to fruition.

Some days are rougher than others. Some days, my hopes and dreams don’t materialize as much as I’d like. It can be discouraging. And yet, as I lay down for the night, I take comfort in the knowledge that tomorrow will be another day full of yet ore potential and opportunities to turn that potential into something real.

I know that tomorrow, hope will be there to help me get out of bed once again.

(This blog post is part of the #changingpathschallenge2024. For more information on the challenge, see Yvonne Aburrow’s post announcing it.)

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