Tag Archives: children

Witchy Questions: Would you ever teach witchcraft to your children?

This post was inspired by Question #33 from this list.

I suppose that if I were to have kids — Joe and I both agree that we do not really see them in our future — I would approach this topic the same way that I approach sharing my wisdom, knowledge, and advice with other people in my life.

I would not try to convince my kids to become witches, let alone try to get them to practice witchcraft exactly the way that I do. Instead, i would rather focus on encouraging my kids to develop their own ethical framework — which I consider the most important thing in the world — and then consider them to explore the world and indulge in their own curiosity as they see fit. If that means they express an interest in the Craft, I will gladly share my wisdom with them and find any other resources that they may find helpful and enjoyable.

But in the end, my attitude toward any spiritual or magical practice they chose will be to make sure that it honors the dignity of all and otherwise let them be.