Tag Archives: perspective

#ChangingPathsChallenge2024: Time

Time is one of those ideas that you have to look at from a few different perspectives. As a human being, I have a limited amount of time on this earth, measured in decades. As such, I am inspired to squeeze as much as I can into the time that I have, making the most out of it. I try to accomplish as much good as I can in hopes of both making the world a better place and leaving a legacy worth remembering and building upon. In many ways, I wish I had more time.

And yet, time stretches behind me and ahead of me. If I live to be 100 years old, my lifespan will only account for 0.00000000725% of the current age of the universe as we know it. And the universe most likely will go on for billions of years after I’m gone. Probably more.

To me, this is both reason to understand that how I spend my own time is important and to realize that I will not individually change much in the grand scheme of things. For that reason, my limited time urges me to think and act communally — ideally thinking of the global community. it is only in participating in history and doing even my tiny part to make change that we can change the course of history and have lasting impacts through all time.

(This post is part of #ChangingPathChallenge2024. For more information about the challenge and a list of topics, check out Yvonne Aburrow’s post announcing it.)