Tag Archives: psychology of ritual

#ChangingPathsChallenge2024: Drama

One year, my old coven signed up to organize and lead the public Yule ritual at our local witch shop. One of our members found a delightful short play for the season that we decided to act out as part of the ritual. It was beautifully written and delightful, as it brought home the themes of the festival in engaging ways. Many members of the community who participated in the rite thanked us and expressed how much they enjoyed it.

Such ritual drama can be an important part of of any religious observance. it allows us to embody themes and ideas within ourselves and identify with them in a visceral way. This often moves us from a more academic or cerebral acceptance of concepts to an experience of mystery.

(This post is part of #ChangingPathsChallenge2024. For more information on this challenge, be sure to check out Yvonne Aburrow’s post announcing it.)