Tag Archives: summer solstice

#ChangingPathsChallenge2024: Solstice

Note: Today’s topic is supposed to be “Cycles.” But I decided I wanted to do tomorrow’s prompt instead so I could talk about the solstice on the actual solstice. It’s a day early this year.

One of the things I find unfortunate is how many in the Pagan community is how we give a lot of attention to the winter solstice, but not so much love for the summer solstice. In some ways, I get it. The summer solstice is hot — especially this year in places like my home where there’s been a heat advisory. And while the winter solstice is cold, it’s easy to put on heavier clothes and wear a blanket. I can only strip down so far — especially while in public! And of course, the winter solstice has all that gift-giving to make it more appealing. (Maybe we should start giving gifts at both solstices!)

And yet, I do appreciate the longest day of the year. I like the thought of having so many daylight hours and celebrating the fact that the growing season is well under way. At this point, we are a couple months at most from the first harvest and its wondrous bounty of grains. I like watching the corn starting to grow and the small animals flying and running around in the yard.

This time of year is filled with visible life and activity. This is something to celebrate and gives me a new sense of life and purpose. So while I may be grateful when the days start shortening once more and look forward to the cooler temperatures of autumn, I will pay honor and show appreciation for this longest day each year.

(This past is part of #ChangingPathsChallenge2024. For more information about the challenge and a list of topics, check out Yvonne Aburrow’s post announcing it.)