Tag Archives: witch tools

Witchy Questions: What is your zodiac sign?

This post is inspired from Question #3 on this list.

I have a strange relationship with astrology. For the longest time, I found it confusing and even looked at it with a little suspicion and distrust. It wasn’t until I read “A Changing Sky” that I really came to understand or appreciate this particular discipline at all. In the book, Forrest looked at astrology as a language, and that just clicked for me. I’m still not a huge astrology aficionado and I’m a dabbler at best when it comes to interpreting natal charts. But at least I have a somewhat deeper understanding and can understand why so many other witches find this a useful tool to pursue more fully and gain a deeper understanding.

Of course, it’s also interesting to me how everyone seems to focus on their sun sign. My sun sign is Gemini, but I don’t consider that the most interesting bit of information in my chart. To my mind, the most interesting bit in my chart is still the fact that Venus was in Taurus at the time of my birth. What makes that particularly interesting is that Venus is the only planet in my entire chart that finds itself in an earth sign, making it a singularity. Understanding my affectionate, sensual nature and how it affects my relationships — especially my romantic relationships — is important to me.

And to be honest, I find that piece of information much more useful as a witch than knowing what my sun sign — which traditionally represents one’s ego identity — is. I’d far more explore how I relate to others. Or how my hopes and dreams are influenced by Jupiter.