Yesterday, I did a serious post about National Coming Out Day and cominng out of the closet. Today, I want to share a fun little video I did. I figure coming out is scary enough, I might as well find humor in it where I can.
I do want to take a moment to issue an apology, however. After I made the video, I realized that I flubbed up and said “transexual” instead of “transgender.” I should have used the latter word, for countless reasons, such as the fact that gender identity issues delve into far more than physical sexual characteristics. Normally, I do a better job than that. But rather than trying to explain why I used the wrong word, let me just say this:
I fucked up. I am sorry. This is just proof that I need to work even harder at being a better ally to the transgender community. I hope that the transgender community will give me a chance to do exactly that.