Tag Archives: Magic

New Video: Power in the Craft

Updated 5 May 2024: Replaced the shortcode with the URL for the YouTube video to properly embed it.

In this week’s video over on YouTube, I talk about the concept of power in the Craft.

As a former evangelical, I think it’s important to have an understanding of power that prohibits control and abuse of others. One of the things I did not mention in the video is the role of systemic power. Also, institutional power.

I think that systemic/institutional power should be avoided. All individuals should have access to power. This leads to equity and justice. I keep coming back to the idea of self-empowerment in witchcraft. That’s because I think it’s an important topic.

Institutional power and self-empowerment often come to odds with one another. For evidence, consider how institutions expect individuals to give up freedoms and make sacrifices for “the greater good.” But whose greater good? Most often, the institutions’ greater good.

As an aside, I’m amused by the fact that this topic came up during Pride Month. LGBTQIA people (though clearly not the only group) have been hit hard and abused by institutional power. Especially the institutions of various Christian churches. We desperately need a vision of power that breaks down that harm.

New Video: Magic as Self-Empowerment

I created and posted a new video yesterday about practicing magic for self-empowerment

[youtube https://youtu.be/8sxiYSOC8zQ]

Listening to some witches and other magical practitioners talk lately, I feel like we forget that we work magic to empower ourselves and improve our lives. At least, I hope that’s why we do it.

It’s too easy to get bogged down in the rules. “Only do this kind of spell when the moon is in this phase.” “You can’t do that spell right now! Mercury/Venus/Pluto/the moon is retrograde!” (I know the moon can’t go retrograde. It was a joke.) Or magic and our rituals start feeling like heavy obligations. (“Ugh! It’s the full moon! What am I going to do for magic?” “I don’t know what spell to do.”)

As I say in the video, I feel like these kinds of statements and questions often indicate that someone has forgotten that we do magic for self-empowerment. Our magic must be tailored to serve us rather than the other way around.

New Video: Living a Magical Life

After an extended break, I decided to get back into making some YouTube videos about witchcraft. In this latest video, I talk about what it means to lie a magical life.

[youtube https://youtu.be/N-3j-5DfCOM]

As I mentioned in the video, I think this meshes well with my old podcast episode about the everyday sacred. When everything is sacred and every act is magical, the world becomes a thing of amazing beauty and we are left in awe of it.

I also think this understanding of what it means to live a magical life creates a more holistic mentality than an understanding of magic that focuses on mere spellwork and ritual. It encourages one to see oneself as a witch when getting up in the morning, when doing the dishes, and when showering.

This mentality is also helpful, I think, for those who feel pressure to be magical all the time. I’ve noticed a few times on Twitter people talking about how it’s okay to not work magic if you’re not feeling up to it, even if it’s a full moon or a sabbat. I completely agree, but I’d take it a step further by noting that an intentional decision to take not do something for the sake of your own health is actively living a magical life as well.

Witchcraft Video: Getting Started

Banner for "A Wyrd-Worker's Wisdom" YouTube Channel

This weekend, I uploaded my second witchcraft video on YouTube. This one is about getting started.

[youtube https://youtu.be/6yg8cwpjnyc]

I appreciate Sarah Anne suggesting this topic to me. It pushed me to think about my recommendations for beginner witches. When people ask how to get started or what to study first, I often reply with, “It depends on what you want to learn.” That’s a true statement. However, it’s not helpful to those just starting out. Going through my personal story while writing this video’s script helped me come up with solid bits of advice. For example, I remembered the basic practices I consider fundamental.

By remembering my own “wrong turns” or “detours,” I remembered to encourage beginners to risk making a few false starts. I found the important message that figuring out what doesn’t work for you — even through trial and error — is an important part of the learning process.

I’m also convinced of the wisdom of my “stick with one book at first” stance. Many will question that position. However, I think that critical engagement with a single text really is important for beginners. With luck, they will seek out further sources as a result of that engagement.

Of course, there is one bit of advice that I did not cover in this witchcraft video. I still think it’s vital to define what one hopes to get out of witchcraft.

Creating Magical Space

Jarred wearing a ritual robe and casting a circle as part of creating magical space.

As I think back on my video about casting a circle, I find myself wondering if I fully answered Catz’s question. You see, I focused specifically on the part of marking out the circle and cutting it away from “ordinary” space. I’ve found that some people also consider calling the quarters as well. I see them as separate acts that are part of a single cumulative process: creating magical space. Some witches I know also call this “constructing the temple.”

To me, this is what the whole opening phase (and I’ll get into the phases of ritual in a future video) of a rite is all about.

  1. We cleanse the space with incense, saltwater, sound, and other methods to make sure it’s cleared of negativity and chaotic energies.
  2. We then mark out the magical space and separate it. As I said in the video, this is what casting the circle is all about.
  3. We then fill that space. By calling the elements in. We ask the Divine to join us. In my work, I also invite the ancestors and land-wights (nature spirits) in.

A well-planned rite or liturgical structure works to make sure that each of those steps work together. It keeps the themes going and offers a sense of cohesiveness. It draws us into our time with the Divine and the work we will do in that magical space.

For those who missed it, here’s my video on casting a circle.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvQ42z40hk8]

I’m not sure whether I’ll do a video about the other components of creating magical space. Let me know if that’s something you’d find useful.

New Witchy YouTube Channel

Image of the YouTube Banner for the channel.

Hello, readers! I’m back from a lengthy hiatus and I have a great announcement. I have decided to start a witchy YouTube channel.

Why I’m doing this

I originally considered starting a YouTube channel back when I started The Bed and the Blade podcast last summer. At the time, I felt like it would take too much time and effort.

But after looking at other witchy YouTube channels like Chaotic Witch Aunt and Hearth Witch, I decided I had too much to say on witchcraft and Pagan spirituality not to start a channel. Hence, A Wyrd-Worker’s Wisdom was conceived and, as of Sunday, born.

About the channel name

I chose the title, because in the Norse traditions, I see witchcraft as a sort of act of altering and laying out wyrd, and I felt that the use of the word “wyrd-working” would both uniquely identify me and pay homage to the primary context in which in which I work magic. I could’ve used “seithman” instead, but I liked the alliteration better.

How the new channel fits into my overall online presence

For any fans of the podcast, rest assured that I plan to bring that back as well and hope to work some sort of synergy between blog, podcast, and YouTube channel. The podcast will resume at it’s original pace of one episode a month, though I hope to do a YouTube video each week. In some ways, I’m finding it easier to produce videos than podcasts. Though I’m also finding that getting into video production is a (potentially) more expensive endeavor than a podcast, go figure.

Introducing the first video

Currently, I only have one video up. It’s about casting a circle. Check it out below.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvQ42z40hk8]

As you might notice, I need to work on the video quality. I’m still learning how to properly use my lighting equipment (plus I have more lights coming) and I need to position things better so I can refer to my script without looking like I’m gazing off into nowhere. But the information itself is solid, I think. Let me know what you think!

Planning ahead

I’m still trying to work out a schedule for everything. Tentatively, I plan on having podcast episodes continue to come out the last Saturday of the month and releasing a new video every Tuesday. As for blog posts, I may scale them back and/or change what days I schedule them for.

Keep checking for more details as they are become available!

Witchy Questions: What is your favorite type of magick to preform?

This post was inspired by Question #36 from this list.

I tend to prefer keeping my magic simple. I’m not the kind of person who comes up with complex rituals with lots of wordy chants, spell components, and complex instructions. Most often, I prefer to just visualize my objective and send that out into into the universe with a few words. Or I might light a candle or two if I feel the need to have something more concrete to focus on or do.

Witchy Questions: Do you use feathers, claws, fur, pelt, skeletons/bones, or any other animal body part for magical work?

This post was inspired by Question #21 from this list.

Ever since I got interested in seidr, I’ve thought it might be nice to have an actual pair of catskin gloves to wear only while doing seidr. That’s because the volva who came to the Greenland village to prophecy was described as wearing them. This also makes sense to me because cats are dear to Freyja, who is both my patron goddess and the teacher of seidr to gods and men alike.

I’m not sure I’d ever get such a pair of gloves, however. I’m not sure where I’d even go to get them. I suppose I would have to have a pair custom made, but again wouldn’t even begin to know how to find someone with the appropriate skills. I feel like if I ever really need this, this is something that my queen or some other spiritual helper would have to pull a few strings t make sure I make the right connections at the right time.

Beyond that, I have little to know interest in involving animal bones, skins or other such paraphernalia in my personal magical practice. While I have a great deal of respect for those who do and understand the practice, it’s just not for me.


When people do magic without even realizing it

Surprisingly, this is not a rant about how certain religious groups cough cough try to make a distinction between their actions and rites and “witchcraft.” I mean, I could write a blog post or twelve about that, but this is not that post.

Instead, I want to write about people who do something that’s quite magical, but don’t give themselves credit for being so amazingly magical.

Let me give an example from over ten years ago. It was back during the time I was spending a lot of time on Witchy, Wiccan, and Pagan web forums. We got into a discussion that delved into magic to help children. I forget the exact details or parameters of the discussion. I just remember one particular person’s contribution. She was a relatively new witch — I think she’s only been practicing for a few months and she described something that — according to her own words — “wasn’t exactly witchy or magical, but helped her small child when they were having bad dreams.” She then proceeded to describe how she painted this absolutely beautiful dragon on the awall at the head of her child’s bed and told the child that it would protect them. Amd that took care of the nightmares.

Reading her post, I just about lost my shit and quickly shot off a post expressing that I found this a beautiful and creative solution and that it was abso-fucking-lutely magical at its heart and she needed to give herself more credit to it. I reminded her that what she did is sympathetic magic at its heart and that I personally suspected that the dragon she painted became very real on a level that was importat to her child. That’s all magic. And that is a hill I was and am still willing to die on.

I’ve found that a lot of people often don’t give themselves credit to just how magical and creative they are. They come up with ideas like painting a dragon in their child’s room to help them overcome nightmares and don’t really stop to think about how spectacular that is. Granted, I get it. They’re just happy their child isn’t having nightmares anymore. I don’t blame them for that. But I feel like they also need to take just a moment to pat themselves on the back. Because this witch is more than ready to tip my pointy hat to their amazing creativity when it comes to magical solutions that they don’t even realize are magical.

Don’t bring victim blaming into the Craft

(Updated 17 April 2024 to change the shortcode to a tweet to a direct link.)

On Wednesday, Twitter user @kelmardino sent out this tweet:

I have to say that I completely understand her reaction to that image. I had a similarly negative reaction to it. I felt so strongly about what I had read that I decided to tweet a thread about it. I’ve since decided to turn that thread into this post.

I will note that the message in the image is not completely without merit. When it comes to magic, there are some nuggets of helpful advice in there. But they are buried in what is overall a heaping pile of garbage. So in the interest in addressing this state of affairs, I’d like to take each point in the image and study them for nuggets of truth while combating the awfulness they propagate.

“Always stay positive.”

Okay, I’m going to start by taking this point in a different direction than was probably intended. When planning a magical working, you should focus on what is wanted, not what is unwanted or what you want to avoid. Magic is supposed to be about positive action, like “soothe my muscles,” rather than negating action, like “stop the pain in my shoulders.” This phrasing can make a difference, especiailly when you start looking for “mundane” acts (Remember that the distinction between “mundane” and “magic” is actually nonexistence) to help achieve your goal.

Taking the statement the way it was probably intended is highly problematic. It’s okay to have doubts. It’s okay to be frustrated. Too many people who advise you to “stay positive” are basically telling you repress things that are unhealthy to repress.

Now, when you’re doing magic, it’s good to temporarily do your best to set your doubts and fears aside to work on focusing your energies toward your goals. But this should never be a permanent state of being.

“Say it like it’s already done.”

There is value to saying something is done and/or visualizing things as if there they’ve already happened. If nothing else, this helps get us excited and motivates us to keep working, especially in our “mundane” efforts.

“Do not spend time thinking about anything opposite to what you want.”

I see little value in this one outside of the magical working itself. Acknowledging that things don’t always go exactly as we like is important. And considering contingency plans or potential “course corrections” to still achieve our goals is smart. Also, if your goal does not manifest (and it happens to everyone at times), adherents to the sixth point will use this to blame you for your “failure.” We’ll talk more about that when we get there.

“Meditate on what you want.”

It’s good to spend time focusing on what you want and putting that energy into getting it. But it takes more than just meditation to accomplish something, and it’s at this point in the list where I start feeling like we lose sight of that. Accomplishing our goals also takes physical effort. If we want a new job, we have to work on writing our resume and going to interviews as well as lighting a green candle and visualizing the perfect job.

“See it, smell it, feel it, hear it.”

In a magical working, it’s good practice to involve as many senses as possible. Especially in visualization. It’s a way to get our whole body involved and committed to the effort of accomplishing our goals. However, I again note that a good visualization alone is not going to make it happen. And I feel like this is another set up to explain away the “failed spells” as somehow the individual’s fault. “You just didn’t make it real enough in your mind!”

“If it’s real in your brain, it will be real in the physical.”

This statement should be shot directly into the sun without fanfare. There is nothing redeemable about it. It is problematic in so many ways. For starters, it’s false. There are limits to what you can accomplish with magic. Some things are just too big. Some things would involve overcoming many other forces and factors in this world.

Part of learning witchcraft is learning what you really can do and how to best go from there. Sometimes, a problem has to be broken down. Sometimes, you have to figure out how to get to point X before you can move on to point Y. You can’t get to point Y in a single jump.

And again, this whole list sounds like you’re just going to meditate imagine something into existence. That’s not how this works, either. It takes effort. It takes time.

One of the things I appreciated about the Builder’s of the Adytum teaching program (which I never completed) is that they stressed that a person’s goals had to be (1) attainable and (2) often broken down into a series of goals. It’s a teaching that protected against a lot of the sloppy thinking that seems to come from the “manifestation” crow.

It’s also important to remember that some goals just aren’t obtainable for various reasons. So don’t blame yourself if something you want doesn’t come to pass.

And that’s the ultimate problem with that last statement. According to it, if you don’t get what you wanted, it’s because you did something wrong. You didn’t believe enough. You didn’t make it real enough in your mind. That’s victim blaming. Fuck that noise.