[Content Note: Transphobia]

Today, I thought it would be interesting to take Adam Ford’s most recent web comic and write some new dialogue for it.
Random Person: Do you accept the scientific research that strongly that brain chemistry, hormones, and other factors can cause a person experience themselves as a gender that differs from the biological sex they were assigned at birth?
Transphobic Christian: Well no. That doesn’t fit in with what I believe the Bible says, so I assume that it’s false. I choose to believe instead that people just decide they want to be a different gender.
Random Person: Interesting. There is actually over two decades worth of peer reviewed scientific research that shows that such discrepancies occur and are a natural phenomenon. How do you address them.
Transphobic Christian: Well, here are some articles written by a handful of Christians I consider authorities on the subject, and I choose to believe their conclusions because they match what I’ve been taught the Bible says.
Random Person: Interesting. Have those articles been peer reviewed?
Transphobic Chistian: Well, no. [Alternative: I don’t know.]
Random Person: I’m actually familiar with this article and its author. Are you aware of the huge methodological flaws other experts in this field found with this work?
Transphobic Christian: No. I’m not sure I believe you. And even if you’re right, I’m still inclined to believe the article’s conclusions.
Random Person: Because they confirm what you believe?
Transphobic Christian: Well, yes…..But I think it’s important to remember that God says there are only two genders. And I think it’s important we have a conversation about…
Random Person: Conversation! Okay. There are hundreds of books, articles and blog posts written by transgender people. Many of them have gone to great lengths to share their stories and their experiences and how they’ve felt. How many of them have you read?
Transphobic Christian: Well, none of them.
Random Person: So let me get this straight. You’ve failed to look into any of the many scientific studies that have been made on this topic. You’ve failed to listen to transgender people’s own lived experiences and instead choose to reinterpret their lives to fit your predefined beliefs. So it sounds to me like this important conversation has been happening for some time without you.
Transphobic Christian: Well, when you put it that way….
Random Person: So why do you expect anyone to listen to you in a conversation you’ve completely ignored up to this point?
Well, that’s my take on it. I welcome my readers — especially those who are are transgender or are far more knowledgeable about the issues involved than me — to write their own dialogue. Or point out where I got something wrong or wrote something troubling.
And now I will specifically address any transphobic (and yes, I get to decide whether that label applies to you on my blog, though I will listen carefully to the counsel of any trans person — except your “one transgender friend”) Christians who may want to respond: Your best bet is to just not do it. This is probably not the thread for you. If you want to defend yourself or argue with me, be prepared to immediately demonstrate that you have done your homework and actually know the issues and not the usual straw men arguments. Failure to do so will get you shown the door faster than defecating on my living room couch. So like I said, your best bet is to just keep silent and move on. Or remain silent, listen, and learn something.