Tag Archives: prayer

Prayer to Tyr for Justice

Having recently run across a couple of posts where I wrote various Pagan prayers, I decided to bring back the practice.  As today is Tuesday and I’m very much interested in social justice, I decided a prayer to Tyr was an appropriate thing to write.

Great Tyr, I call out to you on this day, which is named after you. Guide me and teach me to be an instrument of justice. Help me to be mindful of the ways, both large and small, that those less fortunate are wronged and harmed. Instill in me the obligation and help me to find the courage to speak out against those who would injure and exploit others.

You who gave your own hand in order to bind the Wolf of Destruction, remind me that justice comes with a price. Help me become more aware of the luxuries and comforts that I will have to give up so that those less fortunate may enjoy more freedom. Urge me to develop the compassion that I might make those sacrifices and count it both my duty and honor.

By your guidance and my will. So mote it be.


Prayer(s) for Mourning

Recluse Grave

Image by eqqman via Flickr

(This was written at the request of a friend.  May she find them helpful.)

Ancient Lord,

my loved one who has passed beyond this world.  Guide him to a place of
honor in the Land of the Ancestors, so that he may find the peace he
deserves.  Grant him rest that he might prepare for the next great
adventure that waits him.

So mote it be.

Lady of Tears,

me comfort now as I mourn the passing of my loved one.  Let me remember
and cherish the love that we shared, the love that now fuels my sorrow.
 In my grief let my memories of him, his trials, and his triumphs burn
bright that I might give testimony to his life and deeds..  Let him
live forever in my heart, where age and infirmity cannot touch him.

So mote it be.

Prayer for Living Worship

The crescent as a neo-pagan symbol of the Trip...

Image via Wikipedia

Blessed Lady,

I know that all acts of love and pleasure are your worship.  Therefore,
please help me this day to be more loving.  Help me to recognize those
opportunities to bring smiles the faces of others.  Grant me the wisdom
and strength that I might be a delight and source of joy for those
around me.  Grant me gratitude that i might treasure my own blessings,
and generosity that I might share them with others.

In this way, let your worship grow in my heart and overflow into my life and the world around me.

So mote it be.