Witchy Questions: How do you incorporate your spirituality into your daily life?

This post was inspired by Question #37 from this list.

I think a huge portion of everyday spirituality was covered by my podcast episode on the everyday sacred. Much of working my spirituality into daily life is just doing little things to help me remember that I and everyone and everything around me is sacred. This is reflecting in the fact that the coworker I’m talking to is another part of the Sacred Whole (so maybe I should rethink how I’m treating them). Or taking a moment to check in with my body, thanking it for getting me through the day so far, and asking if there’s anything I can do to keep it going.

Everyday spirituality also comes in those moments when I chant “Hail Freyja! Feed the flames!” and seek to rekindle my passion for and enjoyment of life.

Everyday spirituality is easy when you make spirituality about living and life.

Witchy Questions: What is your favorite type of magick to preform?

This post was inspired by Question #36 from this list.

I tend to prefer keeping my magic simple. I’m not the kind of person who comes up with complex rituals with lots of wordy chants, spell components, and complex instructions. Most often, I prefer to just visualize my objective and send that out into into the universe with a few words. Or I might light a candle or two if I feel the need to have something more concrete to focus on or do.

House-hunting brain is a thing, right?

You may have noticed that posts have been a bit spotty and occasionally light. This is because Joe and I are in the process of finding and buying our new home. We just got pre-approved on our mortgage last week and started touring homes with our real estate agent this past Sunday.

It’s been an interesting experience, sorting through the listings to find the ones that we actually even want to look at, then find out which ones already flew off the market while we were making that decision or turned out to be no good upon looking at the details. (I’ve quickly learned that “rehab loan” is code for “run away as fast as you can,” at least if you’re a first time buyer looking for something you can actually move into.) We ended up giving our agent a list of five properties we were interested in checking out. In the end, we ended up seeing three of them, plus a fourth one that just came on the market Saturday evening. By some miracle, she was able to get us in to see that one Sunday as well.

That’s the one we made an offer for. Just twenty four hours after it was even put on the market. Ours isn’t the only offer, either. In fact, the listing agent will present our offer and the other offer(s) (we know there’s at least one) to the seller this evening, who will then give us a final decision. After that, we either learn how to walk through the process that gets us into the home or we start the search again.

The process hasn’t been too terrible, especially now that we have an agent helping us. It’s mostly just a matter of keeping things moving. Responding to emails, texts and calls. Looking at new listings as soon as they are sent to us. Reviewing and digitally signing the offer. And then waiting. The waiting is probably the worst part.

The net result is I’m often mentally exhausted. So posts my be a bit sporadic here, though I do want to keep the momentum going as much as possible.

Witchy Questions: What is your favorite season?

This post was inspired by Question #35 from this list.

I grew up in Tioga County of Pennsylvania, not far from the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon, which is well-known for its fall foliage. (To be honest, the image in that article doesn’t do it justice.) It was always a delight to watch the trees go from green to being adorned in halos of red and gold. It’s a sight that I still occasionally enjoy going home briefly to catch a glimpse of.

Another thing I love about the fall is the weather here in the Northeastern United States. We’ve escaped the heat of July and August, but are not yet to the bitter cold temperatures of December through February. This is a time of year where our light jackets reappear and you can run around outside. It’s like Spring, but usually more dry. And you get the view of the lovely leaves.

There’s also that sense that the world is slowing down again, ready to go dormant, which appeals to my too-busy mind. (Seriously, I wish my often over-active brain would learn to be more like the earth in the Fall.) To me, that time of year offers the promise of rest. I am a bear, maybe even hibernation. Wouldn’t that be nice?

Witchy Questions: Do you meditate?

This post was inspired by Question #34 from this list.

One of the practices I’ve ben trying to work on regularly is just spending a few minutes connecting with my body. I will close my eyes and try to calm my mind. Then I will breathe deeply and focus on my body. I try to get a feeling for each muscle in my body and gauge its state and how it is feeling at that moment. This is an important exercise for me because I’m the kind of person who gets “stuck in my head” a lot and forgets to pay attention to my body, how it feels, and what it’s trying to communicate with me.

Another thing that I’ve been doing lately — though other distractions have gotten in the way for the past week or so — is light a candle and start out by reading this invocation to Freyja, Afterward, I’ll sit there and think and repeat “Hail Freyja! Fan the flames!” in my mind like a mantra as I try to feel her passion and zeal for life rise in my body.

Witchy Questions: Would you ever teach witchcraft to your children?

This post was inspired by Question #33 from this list.

I suppose that if I were to have kids — Joe and I both agree that we do not really see them in our future — I would approach this topic the same way that I approach sharing my wisdom, knowledge, and advice with other people in my life.

I would not try to convince my kids to become witches, let alone try to get them to practice witchcraft exactly the way that I do. Instead, i would rather focus on encouraging my kids to develop their own ethical framework — which I consider the most important thing in the world — and then consider them to explore the world and indulge in their own curiosity as they see fit. If that means they express an interest in the Craft, I will gladly share my wisdom with them and find any other resources that they may find helpful and enjoyable.

But in the end, my attitude toward any spiritual or magical practice they chose will be to make sure that it honors the dignity of all and otherwise let them be.

Witchy Questions: Do you celebrate the Sabbats? If so which one is your favorite?

This post was inspired by Question #32 from this list.

I’ve always had a complicated relationships with the Sabbats. A few of them, I feel some sense of connection with at least some level. The others, however, don’t really resonate with me personally.

Samhain always resonates with them, as it reminds me of the ancestors and those who have gone before me. It gives me a time to think of them, honor them, and even seek out their wisdom at a special time.

Yule has also always held something for me. The image of the return of the light in the midst of the darkness, not quite ready to take charge, speaks to me. I’ve often enjoyed just looking at a single candle burning in an otherwise dark room and consider this mystery.

I have a certain love of Easter as the perfect balance and tension between the light and dark and the creativity it considers. This is also the time of year where I think of the Norse creation myth and how the fires of Muspelheim and the frost of Niflheim meet to form (or uncover) the first primal beings. It reminds me that while their may be a sense of duality, both are always necessary and work together.

And of course, I cannot be a devotee of the goddess of sexy times and passion without having some sense of love for the most sexual of the Sabbats, Beltane. To me, that is a time to really appreciate our sexuality and our full embodiment.

Witchy Questions: What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started?

This post was inspired by Question #31 from this list.

I feel like my journey into the Craft was pretty perfect. Or at least perfectly planned. Sure, there’s part of me who wonders if I could have taken a more direct route to where I wound up if someone had, for example, suggested I read Gerald Gardner’s books sooner. But then I wonder, would I have been ready for his books any sooner? Or would that have turned me off and sent me down an even more circuitous route than the one I eventually took. And would I have missed important things by bypassing my forays into eclectic Wicca (and possibly Druidry)? How would I have met Freyja if I had somehow skipped over my friend Mike pushing me toward Asatru?

If anything, the lesson I could have benefited from had it come right from the beginning is to just trust the journey and have faith that I and those who worked with me would get me to where I needed to go no matter what.

Witchy Questions: Do you have a spirit guide? If so, what is it?

This post was inspired by Question #30 from this list.

When it comes to everyday stuff, I tend to work most closely with Freyja. She’s the closest I have to a regular guide, as she offers me advice and guidance along with instructions on what she wants me to do as her devotee.

I have also communicated with various ancestral spirits and nature spirits, though not through anything so formal as a spirit guide relationship. I’ve also spoken with other gods in a more “one off” sort of situation.

Of course, I think one of the most interesting encounters I had was when a Norn decided to sit in with me during a rune reading I gave a friend a reading. The Norn didn’t identify herself beyond a simple statement of “I am Norn,” said in a tone that made it clear that I did not deserve nor should I expect any further details or elaboration on the point. It turned out to be a very profound reading for my friend, which probably explains why one of the keepers of wyrd herself decided to participate.

Witchy Questions: Do you consider yourself a psychic?

This post was inspired by Question #29 from this list.

I’ll be honest. I think most people that call themselves psychics are pretentious windbags who are mostly just stroking their own egos and trying to lord their being “special” over others.

I prefer to say that I have some psychic ability. I think most people have some psychic ability and can develop and refine it to some degree. Personally, i am highly empathic. i also have some ability as a medium, though I’m not nearly as sensitive in that area as others I have worked with. I also took a psychic development course and found I have some capacity for distance seeing. But mostly, I focus on my intuitive side when doing a tarot reading or rune reading for myself or friends.

The thoughts of a gay witch living in upstate New York.