Witchy Questions: Have you ever used ouija?

This post was inspired by Question #28 from this list.

When I was in junior high school, I attended an overnight event at my school. I think it was some sort of fundraiser. One of the other students decided to bring a ouija board. I got curious and decided to play along. At the time, I thought it was silly, harmless fun. I didn’t really believe we were talking with spirits (but thought it would be cool if I turned out to be wrong about that). I think the teachers in attendance were mostly amuses and perhaps a little concerned that it might get out of hand or cause trouble. But for the mot part, I think we all found it silly fun with just a hint of “what if” in the back of our minds.

These days, I’m not inclined to use a ouija board. If I have need to talk with spirits, I tend to prefer to go to them on their turf. Or I prefer to communicate more directly as a medium or even attend a seance.

One of the big issues I see with the ouija board — and people’s fascination with “talking to ghosts” is that it’s treated like a game. Too many people just decide to see what ghost shows up and start asking them random questions. I often wonder if the average spirit finds this as annoying as I might find random people stopping me on the street or calling me at random “just to see what happens.”

It wasn’t until I started hanging out with my friends Belinda, Michele (may she rest in peace), and Char that I got an appreciation for mediumship. I attended and participated in seances that they conducted and saw how messages from a loved one can be helpful and healing. Of course, I also appreciated that they — especially Char — reminded people that death doesn’t necessarily turn someone into an enlightened soul, and discretion and discernment must be utilized when dealing with messages from beyond.

But mostly, I still like to leave those on the other side of death alone unless I have a compelling reason to speak with them.

Witchy Questions: Have you ever performed a spell or ritual with the company of anyone who was not a witch?

This post was inspired by Question #27 from this list.

Several years ago, the religious education coordinator of our local Unitarian Universalist church invited our coven to do a presentation for their middle school religious education classes. So one Sunday, we set up our altar in the appropriate classroom and then took each class (one for each of the two worship services offered) through an explanation and demonstration of our ritual. During that time, we explained each element of the ritual, its significance and why we do it. We also allowed the students to ask questions. That was a delight because middle schoolers can be a bright and inquisitive lot.

We actually didn’t perform a working, but instead just explained where the working would normally go and a brief explanation of the kinds of things we might do for a working. Also, I think we skipped actually performing Cakes and Ale. Partly because we ran into a question of whether it would be appropriate to (1) have cakes and ale and excluding the students or (2) serving students and potentially causing problems. (There was a clear understanding that the purpose of the demonstration was to demonstrate our beliefs and practices, not “pull in” the kids.)

Everyone had a great time and i still have fond memories of doing it. I wish we had gotten subsequent opportunities to do it again.

Witchy Questions: What got you interested in witchcraft?

This post was inspired by Question #26 from this list.

I have written at least two posts about my journey into the Craft and what led to me to it. In those, I talk about how the idea of magic and energy really resonated with me, as it confirmed an idea about the world that I had always imagined and wished to be true. Also, i was interested in the idea that my psychic abilities — most notably my empathy — could be better controlled, as other people’s emotions were almost literally driving me up the wall at a time. And I have talked about how I found in witchcraft a system of morality that allowed me to better love and encourage myself to become a better person by believing that it was actually possible to do exactly that.

There’s another part to that last one. One I’ve never really talked about. When I first started out, i saw witchcraft as a way to get forgiveness. Not from a deity, mind you, but from two people who I had deeply hurt, to the point that they both chose to leave my life. At the time, I thought i couldn’t live without them in my life, and witchcraft was a way to get them back.

I wasn’t looking to cast a spell on them — I understood immediately that such an act would be unethical — but was engaging in magical thinking of the kind that psychologists like to talk about. I had this weird idea that by getting into witchcraft, I could work on being a better person and eventually earn the opportunity to get both of them back in my life.

Fortunately for me, I eventually wised up. I realized that there was no way to “earn” their love and presence in my life. I came to understand that the best thing I could do for both them and myself is silently wish them wellness and healing from the hurt I caused and let them be. I also learned that I actually could live without having them in my life and allowed myself to heal as well.

I’ve thought about this recently due to listening to some witches complain about new witches and auditing some of their reasons for getting into witchcraft. Well, I had at least one shitty motive of my own for getting started, and yet I grew and here I am. So once again, I find myself wondering if we should just let those with less-than-perfect reasons continue their journey and trust both them and the universe to work it all out.

Witchy Questions: Are you any other type of magical practitioner besides a witch?

This post was inspired by Question #25 from this list.

For the most part, I am very happy with the word “witch” to describe who I am spiritually and magically. I’m not a fan of the word “magician.” “Warlock” holds no real interest for me, even if we accept alternate meanings for the word besides “oathbreaker.” I’m happy to be lumped in as a witch with all the wonderful witchy women I know.

The only other word I use on very rare occasion is “seithman,” as it shows my specific interest in and practice of seith. In fact, it’s part of the email address I created at the same time I set up this blog and the NorthernGrove domain. For a while, i was hesitant to use that word, because I was hesitant to call what I do seith. However, after reading Jenny Blaine’s book (man, I don’t remember it costing so much when I bought it!) where she explores the modern practice of seith and interviews various practitioners, I’ve felt much more comfortable claiming that title for myself.

But for the most part, I stick to “witch.”

Witchy Questions: Do you consider yourself an Alchemist?

This post was inspired by Question #24 from this post.

I once picked up a divination oracle that was based on alchemical symbols and concepts. It was interesting to read an interpretation of alchemy that was more metaphorical and allegorical rather than the standard line about literally transmuting lead into gold or creating the elixir of life.

But ultimately, alchemy is not a system that really speaks to me. My soul rejoices in the Norse myths and lore and the symbols that come out of it. Alchemy was like the Western Magical Tradition, Hermeticism, and ceremonial magick to me. Interesting, but not my jam.

Witchy Questions: What is your preferred element?

This post was inspired by Question #23 from this list.

Despite the fact that I don'[t really put much stock into the four elements when it comes to my rituals or magical workings, it is very clear to me which element I most strongly relate to and feel drawn to. That is the element of water.

To me, water is about adaptability. It flows and shapes itself to fit into and fill whatever surrounds it. And yet,when it gets moving, it can also be a force to contend with, wearing away at sand and soil. Bowling over anything that is not sufficiently anchored to withstand its flow.

When I think of water, I think of the depths of the ocean, the deep dark places that have not been fully explored and may still hold secrets and treasures. They beckon to me much like the underworld beckons my journeying soul, and much for the same reason.

Water is often associated with both spirit and emotion and both of those aspects of myself are quite dominant in my overall personality as well. Water reminds me of the deep well of feeling that I can draw upon within my own soul, yet reminds me to take care lest I drown there. Water is about exploring and daring and risking. Water is about taking the plunge into the unknown, both in our own psyches and the world around us.

That all speaks to me in a profound way.

Witchy Questions: Do you have an altar?

This post was inspired by Question #22 from this list.

This is the post where I confess that I’m probably not a very good witch in the eyes of many other witches. I do not currently and don’t think I have every had a permanent altar set up. It’s something I keep thinking I should do do. I’m especially revisiting this question now that I’m back making my way through “The Essential Guide to Possession, Depossession, and Divine Relationships.” I figure working that closely with Freyja again, it would be best to have an altar. Right now, I simply set up candle on the small table my computer monitor sits on (the computer itself is on the floor) when I want to meditate or pray to her. It would be nice to get out her statue again and set up a proper altar.

Joe and I also hope to be able to set up a dedicated altar room when we get our own place. I know I certainly miss the dedicated altar room that our former coven has. Very convenient.

Speaking of Joe, I find myself wondering if any books or resources out there talk about multi-witch families and what a challenge altar space (or even just spaces for altars) can become an issue. Joe and I honor different gods, and I think ti would be ultimately nice if we each had our own separate altars for that in addition tot he shared altar of our working space. That means a minimum of three different spaces for altars, though. That gets challenging.

Witchy Questions: Do you use feathers, claws, fur, pelt, skeletons/bones, or any other animal body part for magical work?

This post was inspired by Question #21 from this list.

Ever since I got interested in seidr, I’ve thought it might be nice to have an actual pair of catskin gloves to wear only while doing seidr. That’s because the volva who came to the Greenland village to prophecy was described as wearing them. This also makes sense to me because cats are dear to Freyja, who is both my patron goddess and the teacher of seidr to gods and men alike.

I’m not sure I’d ever get such a pair of gloves, however. I’m not sure where I’d even go to get them. I suppose I would have to have a pair custom made, but again wouldn’t even begin to know how to find someone with the appropriate skills. I feel like if I ever really need this, this is something that my queen or some other spiritual helper would have to pull a few strings t make sure I make the right connections at the right time.

Beyond that, I have little to know interest in involving animal bones, skins or other such paraphernalia in my personal magical practice. While I have a great deal of respect for those who do and understand the practice, it’s just not for me.


Witchy Questions: What is your favorite gemstone?

This blog post was inspired by Question #20 from this list.

My sweet little keyring.

About a year ago, Joe an I were checking out one of the local new age stores and i ran across the keyring pictured in this post. The stone on it is a citrine, which is one of my favorite stones. It is a stone that offers protection against negativity by purifying it and dispersing it. I prefer this to onyx or hematite, which absorb negativity, requiring you to regularly cleanse them. I am a lazy witch, so a stone that does it’s job without need of maintenance on my part is always a plus.

I appreciate being able to keep this little citrine on me because as someone who is highly sensitive to other peoples energies and moods, having things that can act as filters or even a first line of defense is good for me. And also, it helps keeping my own moods and insecurities from mucking up my aura too badly.

When people do magic without even realizing it

Surprisingly, this is not a rant about how certain religious groups cough cough try to make a distinction between their actions and rites and “witchcraft.” I mean, I could write a blog post or twelve about that, but this is not that post.

Instead, I want to write about people who do something that’s quite magical, but don’t give themselves credit for being so amazingly magical.

Let me give an example from over ten years ago. It was back during the time I was spending a lot of time on Witchy, Wiccan, and Pagan web forums. We got into a discussion that delved into magic to help children. I forget the exact details or parameters of the discussion. I just remember one particular person’s contribution. She was a relatively new witch — I think she’s only been practicing for a few months and she described something that — according to her own words — “wasn’t exactly witchy or magical, but helped her small child when they were having bad dreams.” She then proceeded to describe how she painted this absolutely beautiful dragon on the awall at the head of her child’s bed and told the child that it would protect them. Amd that took care of the nightmares.

Reading her post, I just about lost my shit and quickly shot off a post expressing that I found this a beautiful and creative solution and that it was abso-fucking-lutely magical at its heart and she needed to give herself more credit to it. I reminded her that what she did is sympathetic magic at its heart and that I personally suspected that the dragon she painted became very real on a level that was importat to her child. That’s all magic. And that is a hill I was and am still willing to die on.

I’ve found that a lot of people often don’t give themselves credit to just how magical and creative they are. They come up with ideas like painting a dragon in their child’s room to help them overcome nightmares and don’t really stop to think about how spectacular that is. Granted, I get it. They’re just happy their child isn’t having nightmares anymore. I don’t blame them for that. But I feel like they also need to take just a moment to pat themselves on the back. Because this witch is more than ready to tip my pointy hat to their amazing creativity when it comes to magical solutions that they don’t even realize are magical.

The thoughts of a gay witch living in upstate New York.